Saturday, January 17, 2009

I Told You I'd Write It

Six Strings
Black, plastic, with six little strings
Which sing and bring that smile
To her face, every time he plays
That guitar. A smile, once broken
Such a long time ago, by the one
Who played four strings.

My friend asked me what she should write a poem about. I suggested her boyfriend's guitar. (What? It's a kick-ass guitar. xD) Anyhow, she shot the idea down rather quickly. So I said I'd write a poem about it. And she dismissed it.

So I wrote this to spite her. I actually think it's pretty good.


TaylorexistsxD said...

Me likey.
I envy you.

KayyMyLove said...

hehe its really good Rhiannon, i cant believe though that you could take something like a guitar and turn it into amazingness
xo Kayy